Green Game Jam 2024 theme announcement: Small Actions, Big Impact

January 17, 2024

The Green Game Jam (GGJ) is an annual movement organised by Playing for the Planet in collaboration with Games for Good. Gaming studios are challenged to implement green activations in their games which can be anything ranging from a time-limited event, character, or storyline to a marketing campaign which highlights an environmental theme. In 2024 the GGJ is reaching a major milestone with its 5th edition. 

Over the past four years, we have seen 120 games participate in the GGJ. Forests, oceans, and wildlife have been protected and over 2.5 million trees have been planted with support from players all over the world. For this special edition of the GGJ we are tapping into the collective power of those global communities by encouraging small, real life actions that can lead to big impact. 

There’s a common misconception that our willingness to act is dependent on the amount of knowledge we have on a subject, yet research shows that it is our actions which change our beliefs, awareness, and concerns. More than that, action inspires action and results in deeper engagement. For GGJ24 we are asking studios and players to learn by doing and become part of a positive Chain Reaction for the planet. 

Rather than focussing on donations or raising funds, this year will all be about rallying player communities to take doable actions which collectively create the momentum for BIG IMPACT. Just like in games, one action leads to the next, we level up with a sense of progression as long as the threshold for the next action isn’t too high. 

The goal of GGJ24 is to rally 1 million players to participate in doable actions that benefit the planet. We are not looking for perfect actions, but progressive ones. If we wait until we think we have the perfect solution, it will likely be too late.

Can I join the Green Game Jam?

Yes! All you need to join is to have a game on mobile, PC, console, VR, or any other platform that is currently live and has an existing audience of players. Our goal is to reach as many players as possible and have 1 million of them participate in doable actions that benefit the planet.

Why should I join the Green Game Jam?

The gaming industry has an unparalleled reach of over 3 billion gamers. We have the opportunity to show leadership and use this superpower to tackle some of our biggest environmental challenges. More than that, players are asking for green content in their games and participants will join a meaningful community of practice. 

What can I expect when I join the Green Game Jam?

To become part of a fun, motivated, and positive community of creative leaders that collaborate to educate and inspire climate action in their studios and amongst their millions of players. 

Download the GGJ24 starter kit here to find out how you and your players can take small actions that lead to BIG IMPACT and make sure to register by filling out this form before January 15th 2024. In case of questions, feel free to reach out to
