Green Games Summit Nairobi: Five take-aways from Day One

February 25, 2024

Many people desperately wanted to come to the first Green Game Summit in Nairobi, Kenya but couldn’t make it. For those that missed out, it’s already been phenomenal with statements like “that was probably the best day of programming I have ever been to” being made. 

A bold statement for sure. But probably fair with session after session on the first day at the Africa Game Centre in Nairobi, seeing some of the leading pioneers showcasing best-in class thinking on this agenda.

This short summary captures what came out of the first day which saw leaders from Supercell, Microsoft XBox, Sony Playstation, Ubisoft, Trailmix, Seamonster as well as the founder Mekan Games, who’s Kenya creation “The President” which has risen to become a number one hit in 27 countries around the world. 

Five take-aways from day one include:

  1. The Africa mobile market is the future: Evans Kiragu from Mekan Games talked about how by 2030, the unique mobile subscribers will reach 692 million at a 50% market penetration. Comparing this to 377 million in North America at a 91% market penetration and 507 million in Europe at a 92% marketing penetration. Showcasing the immense growth opportunity in the continent.

  2. All games can join in: Arnaud Fayolle of Ubisoft, Art Director, Positive Play introduced a new wheel-of-impact as to how all games can take a systemic approach to eco-design approach. In his presentation, he showcased 40 different examples of games which focus on how they can either support or reduce their environmental impact.

  3. Making a start can be hard, but the first step leads to more: Rebecca Weiss, Lead Game Designer for Love & Pies at  Trailmix talked about coming through the fear of action and the leadership tension that can come from building games in an unstable market with a focus on purpose in relationship to sustainability. Their first year as participants in the Green Game Jam set the tone with more set to come. 

  4. Games = GDP: A presentation from Deborah Mensah-Bonsu from the Supercell Give Back team not only showcased all the work they have been doing to bring sustainability themes to the attention of their 200 million players and addressing their emissions, but also the fact that Supercell is the biggest single-company corporate taxpayer in Finland.

  5. The weekend is not where it ends: The work of the Alliance will continue at the United Nations Environment Assembly next week in Nairobi where Sony Playstation will be showcasing the Climate Station which brings together all of the world’s climate data into one immersive VR discovery. Dr Joshua Aslan introduced the Climate Station to those attending the Summit and updated attendees on the progress they are making with the Forest of Aloy’s, which has seen 600,000 trees planted, as well as the progress they are making on decarbonising their value chain.

To read about the agenda for day two here or join us online via this link.
